Types of processing

What is data processing?

Data processing is when the raw data is input into the computer and output as the useful information.

Types of processing

  1. Batch processing

Where a number of similar jobs or tasks are collected together and processed by a computer all at once.

For examples :

  • producing bills
  • processing bank cheques

Advantage is that it can be processed without human and disadvantage is that it takes long time.

  1. Online processing

Where a user communicates directly to the computer

For examples:

  • Booking systems
  • ATMs

Advantages is that processing is carried out automatically and disadvantages is that you need virus/hacker security.

  1. Real-time processing

It’s similar to online processing but more accurate timing.

For examples:

  • Burglar alarms
  • Warning systems

Advantage is that it carries out the jobs that humans can’t do and disadvantage is that very expensive to buy.