The web: Today and tomorrow

The early development of the internet : Web 1.0

The Web 1.0 was the first implementation of the internet. In a web 1.0, we could only be able to select on from the option but couldn’t edit the contents of the website or the webpage. A good example of the web 1.0 was on-line shopping, which we just make a selection from the options.


The latest generation : Web 2.0

The Web 2.0 is more interactive and able to communicate. We can add some contents to the website and communicate through out the world by the SNS.


Augmented reality

It aims to combine a real scene viewed by a user with a virtual scene generated by the computer. It provides the tourists to get the information from the places if they scan the place into their smartphone or device.

Image recognition

Some software applications store the images of the people and they recognise the people in the picture. In some social networking service, they can tag the people automatically by recognising the image.

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