The systems life cycle: Testing and implementation

Testing data entry

Normal test data: Entre the general data to test the validation

Live data: Entre the reliable data that they are actually going to use

Extreme test data: Entre the data with the maximum and minimum

Abnormal test data: Entre the data which is weird e.g. price $0.00


Direct changeover: Shut down the old system and install the new system immediately

Parallel running: Run the old system and new system at the same time

Pilot running: Try the new system in one area of the organisation before the new systems is fully installed

Phased implementation:

a) Individual modules of the system are introduced one at a time. leaving older modules running until they are replaced

b) Some orders are processed on the new system and some orders process on the old system


Advantages and disadvantages about the four ways of the implementation

Direct changeover


  • available immediately/good for the people don’t have enough time
  • not very expensive


  • it has risk that the new system might be fail and lose all the essential data

Parallel running


  • if something fails in the new system, there’s no risk of losing the data
  • the people have time to learn how to use the new system


  • it’s expensive

Pilot running


  • if the new system fails, only the part of the company has an affect
  • it’s cheaper than parallel running


  • more expensive than direct changeover

Phased implementation


  • able to solve the troubles if it has problems during the implementing
  • less risks of losing the data


  • more expensive than direct changeover

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