Security, risks and reliability

Quarantine : isolates the virus by putting it into and area where it can’t access and possibly harm to the rest of the computer system

Hacking : someone gaining access the computer system illegally. Hackers try to gain access to :

Damage your computer or network

Steal files (diaries/financial information i.e. credit numbers/product information to sell to a competitor)

Plant viruses

How to prevent hackers from accessing your network or computer :

Use a Firewall (both on a computer&network) the role of a firewall is to monitor incoming and outgoing traffic/files-if it suspects a suspicious incoming file-it will block it-if it suspects you are sending sensitive information over email/someone is trying to steal information remotely-it will block

A firewall will also block suspicious websites/applications an advise they are not reachable

Ethical Hacking : to protect someone’s computer network

The difference between anti-virus and firewall is that firewall is prevent the dangerous files to coming in and the important information to be going out. But anti-virus is just protecting the computer network from the virus.

Phishing : Involves sending an email that looks as though it comes from a legitimate organisation (bank or law firm). If the recipient clikcs on a link in the email, they will enter their personal details or account details.

Pharming : It’s another type of scam. It re-directs users from a genuine website to fake website that a pharmer can access to the data. To prevent pharming, you should check the top level domain which is appropriate or not.

Spamming : Spam in a junk mail. Opening a spam email and a link in an email could infect your computer such as virus. Sometimes, it takes off whole of the network.

Spyware : It’s a software that monitors and save the information typed by a user. The consequence would be the important data being taken.

Cookies : Cookies are small amounts of text that are sent and received through the web browser. Cookies track the pages you have visited and save these on your computer. These even remember who you are and welcome if you access to the website. Also, if the users search for specific topic or the product, it will pop-up on the websites or SNS that you visit. In some countries, they should ask the users whether they want the cookies to be tracked or not following the laws.

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