ICT and society: The effect on employment

Nowadays, lots of robots and machines are taking off the people’s job. 

For example:

Warehousing-robots store, move and collect items


Self-service-the people can do the jobs that the cashiers do by themselves

self cashier

Fruit picking-the machines can pick up the fruits

fruit picking

Manufacturing-robots do such as; painting the cars, putting the same amount of sauce in the can or sticking labels


Cash point (ATM)-can do the bank working 24 hours without the human


Retraining: people need to be retrained to deal with the changing the work environment


Better working environment: robots are taking over the jobs which are dirty and dangerous for the people to do, such as; removing the bomb, dispose garbage

Reduced costs: the robots and machines don’t need salaries, also as the people employ less people, reduce costs

Higher productivity: the robots and machines can run for 24 hours per day, 365 days per year and they don’t need rest

Consistency: the robots and machines are programmed so the works can be done perfectly without mistake

Teleworkers are the people who are not going to the office and work, normally at home. Nowadays, the number of teleworkers are increasing.

Advantages for Employee                                                  Disadvantages for Employee

-The time taken to travel to the office is reduced                 -The people at home might be distracted

-Don’t need to dress formally to work                                  -Miss out the social side of working

-Can do their work everywhere

Advantages for Employer                                                   Disadvantages for Employer

-Don’t need to pay for the office                                           -Might be difficult to manage the employees

-Able to employ the people everywhere in the world            -Workers may not be available during normal work time

                                                                                              -Time zone might be different so the meeting time might                                                                                                     not be constant

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