ICT and society: Commercial and ethical considerations

We can do many things by the internet now. The most common one is online shopping. We can order and buy many things by online shopping such as; clothes, food, furniture, electronic devices, priority, books and others.

The advantages of online shopping are that we don’t need to spend our time to go out and buy the things, wider customers can access, not many staffs need for it so reduce of costs for the salaries to the staffs.

The disadvantages of online shopping are that the people are getting lazy as we can do everything by clicking the mouse, there won’t be regular customers and no services like smiling to the people or greeting them.

EFTPOS (Electronic Funds Transfer Point Of Sale)

The steps of the EFTPOS:

  1. The customer inserts their card into the Chip and PIN reader
  2. The card is checked for the expire date and if it is valid
  3. The store contacts with the customer’s bank
  4. Once the price is entered, the customer enter the PIN number
  5. The bank matches the PIN and the card, if it is matched the certain amount of money will be paid
  6. The EFTPOS will print out the receipt and the customer gets the card

Also, the online banking is using a lot from many websites. But, you should make sure that any websites which are dealing with the money should have the protocol of https, which makes the website secure.

As we use a lot of ICT stuffs, there should be both advantages and disadvantages. We can do extremely many things on the ICT. Most of the companies are using the ICT to do their jobs and works. As the range of the ICT is getting bigger, there is a dark site of the ICT such as crimes, illegal things. But, ICT is taking up too much of the people’s life so I think advantages overweigh the disadvantages.

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