Health and safety

Ergonomics is the study of the relationship between workers and their environment especially the equipment they use.

Ergonomic design is the development of furniture and equipment which will help to relieve health related problems such as RSI.

Upper limb disorders (ULDs) affect the arms, from fingers to shoulder, and neck. They are often called repetitive strain injuries, ‘RSI’, cumulative trauma disorder or occupational overuse syndrome.

The pain in the carpal tunnel is caused by excess pressure in your wrist, which leads to inflammation. The most common cause of this inflammation is often an underlying medical condition that causes swelling in the wrist or obstructed blood flow.


Cubital tunnel syndrome is caused by increased pressure on the ulnar nerve, which passes close to surface of the skin in the area of the elbow.

cubital tunnel anatomy

To prevent :

Neck ache-have a regular rest

Backache-stretch your back when you are sitting down

Eye strain-have a regular rest

Poor blood circulation to legs-you should be able to put your feet on the floor or supporter to put your feet on

Aching wrists and fingers-have to stretch and exercise the fingers and the wrist

Safety issues

-Shouldn’t put many things on the computer desk, such as food, drinks.(only keyboard, mouse and monitor)

-Shouldn’t make the wires tangled together. The wires should be tucked behind the desk or the other furnitures.

-Should place the fire extinguisher in case of fire. (With the fine-powder based. If we use water, it would damage the devices)

-Should keep the computers in an appropriate temperature

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